AQUAFIT drinking fountain adjusts to suit the height of user

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Usually kids, or even tall people for that matter, have to struggle with standard drinking fountains, as they do not suit the height of every user, which often results in wastage of drinking water. Providing a solution, designer Byron Lee has created a user-friendly fountain called the “AQUAFIT” that loads a spring underneath, so users could adjust it up and down according to their height and quench their thirst with ease. Pivoting both ways, left for cold water and right for room temperature water, the bowl allows users to raise the point of contact up to 5 degrees for the ease of use. The AQUAFIT also includes bottle filler, at its base, to help you fill the water in your bottle fast, without any wastage. All you need to do is place your bottle on the orange tray and press the on/off button to fill it.

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Via: Leebyron.tumblr

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