Crystal Clear water purifier converts discarded drinking water into fresh air

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Considering the fact that people usually don’t drink a full glass of water and discard about 109,500,000,000L of drinking water worldwide every year, South Korean designer Choi Jinyoung has come up with an innovative water purifier that converts discarded water into clean air to allow the user breath fresh and live healthy, for humidity is as important as water to human existence. Dubbed the “Crystal Clear,” the new water purifier helps you maintain a pleasant humidity, using water thrown away, inside the room. Featuring a design based on water and tree making oxygen, the air purifier makes people think about the environment and appreciate nature. Users can turn the leaf-formed faucet, from side to side, to mark the temperature of water with the number and color by a beam. All the user need to do is dispose the extra water on the surface of the purifier which converts it into fresh air to maintain proper temperature and humidity for a healthy life.

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Via: Jinyoung Studio

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