Steel and Bullet Chess Set brings a new rustic grace to your game room

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For all the chess lovers, OldeWorldCC has a bullet chess board. Whether you play for fun, for contest or against yourself, chessboards are a greeting addition to any home. Be sure to choose a great chessboard and set that will surely bring a new level of rustic gracefulness to your game room. OldeWorldCC has designed a chessboard that may survive a nuclear blast! The board is designed from 3/16 inch flat and 1/2 inch square pure solid hot rolled steel. Each board square is separately cut, prepped and welded to the steel frame.

The squares are polished in natural steel and the dark squares are painted black. The whole set is coated with clear polyurethane that makes it even more robust. Each piece has been designed using .223 caliber bullet shell casings, decorated with cuts, slashes, curls and bends. These bullets look perfect if you are trying to give your living room a war touch.

The light side pieces are set on red oak mounts, using steel cased shells and the dark side pieces are mounted on black walnut, using brass cased shells. Measuring 13 1/2 x 13 1/2 x 1 1/8 (LWH) in dimensions, the creative chess set weighs 16 lbs, while the height of the pieces range between 1¼ and 2½ inches.

Via: Etsy

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