How Safe are Pesticides? – A Basic Guide on Safe Pest Control

Safe Pest Control

Have you ever had a severe pest problem that you couldn’t control with regular household bug sprays? Some people have major infestations that can only be dealt with by skilled Melbourne pest control services but some people are sceptical about using pesticides in their homes.

Today we’re going to give you a basic guide on pest control. Find out whether this is a safe way to eliminate pests in your home. Keep reading to see how you can take precautionary measures to ensure the health and safety of you and your loved ones during and after fumigation.

Be Cautious Around Other Living Things

Father and Baby

Pesticides are formulated to kill living creatures such as cockroaches, ants and termites. But the chemicals are also harmful to other living species such as plants and pets. These chemicals are especially harmful to babies because their kidneys aren’t fully developed yet so they’re unable to expose of toxins in the body. Therefore, when pesticides are used in the home, you must make sure that you remove your pets, children and plants from the area.

When using pest control Melbourne homeowners trust, they will advise you when it’s safe to go back into the area that was fumigated.

Some Chemicals are More Harmful

There are many types of pesticides formulated to kill various types of insect species. But there are also rodenticides to kill rats and mice and bactericides that eradicate mould growth and fungus inside the home.

Some of these chemicals are more potent than others which makes them more harmful compared to pesticides that have a low concentration. That’s why it’s best to opt for professional pest control services because these companies only use chemicals that meet Australian standards for health and safety reasons.

What Happens When You’re Directly Exposed to Pesticides?

skin rashes due to Exposure to Pesticides

You can accidentally inhale or ingest pesticides if you’re not careful. Furthermore, strongly concentrated formulas can be harmful to your skin which can result in rashes and chemical burns.

Exposure to pesticides can lead to mild to severe side effects depending on the level of toxicity it has. Some side effects can occur immediately, while others will show up a few hours after being exposed to the chemical. You may experience the following effects of pesticide exposure:

  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Cramps
  • Sweating
  • Eye or skin irritation
  • Extreme thirst
  • Abdominal pain
  • Vomiting
  • Fatigue

Severe side effects may include convulsions, difficulty breathing and unconsciousness. It’s advised that you don’t use harmful store-bought pesticides in your home. Rather get a professional to come and do your fumigation for you so that you’re not directly exposed to these chemicals.

Are Pest Control Services Safe?

Homeowners and business owners prefer to use pest control services because it’s safer and more convenient. Professionals know which chemicals and strengths to use to eliminate pests from your building. They wear protective gear when handling these chemicals.

What’s more, your pest control service provider will inform you of what type of products are used and if they’ll be harmful to you and your pets. You won’t be allowed near the vicinity while your area is being fumigated to prevent you from being exposed to pesticides.

After a few hours, you’ll be allowed back into the area again.

Why You Should Let the Professionals Handle the Job

Pest Control Service

Professional pest control services are licensed companies that are legally allowed to use pesticides in and around buildings. To become a pest control employee in Australia you must have a license and certification. These qualifications show you that the company only uses the safest products.

Additionally, your service provider has knowledge of the different types of pests there are and how to get rid of them safely. These professionals will also provide advice on how to prevent infestations.

Some Melbourne pest control services will provide a full evaluation of the problem before they get to work. You’ll know exactly what pest problem you have and how they’ll handle it.

Extra Safety Tips

Prevention is better than cure, so before you allow your pest control services to assist you, talk to them about your concerns. Ask what chemicals will be used and let them know if you have certain health concerns. This is especially important if you’re pregnant or if you have chronic health conditions.

Cover all your items such as plates, cups, toothbrushes and eating utensils. When you return home make sure you wash and clean any items that you eat with. Open the windows and doors to let in fresh air.

Final Thoughts

To prevent being exposed to harmful chemicals, try pest control services whether you’re a business owner or homeowner. Don’t try to solve the problem on your own.

What are your thoughts on professional pest control versus eliminating bugs with store-bought products? Have you used a pest control service provider before? Let us know what your experience was like in the comments below. We’re always happy to read comments from our readers.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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