ineke designs fascinating rocking chair for cappellini

inekes unique creation

Whether you are a businessman or a banker, an architect or a painter, a musician or an actor… you have always looked for a perfect peaceful recluse — where you could spend sometime in peace to nurture and bring out that edge in you. Some of you may prefer the solitude and air at the terrace, some prefer the silence in the bathroom and some others prefer a rock or two on a rocking chair placed in a shady corner of the lobby or study.

Ah! Rocking chairs are a part of the ancient legacy of woodwork and furniture. Men have for ages spend hours on this piece of furniture feeling safe, driving stress, planning strategies and seeking answers. Times have changed, but not the whims of man. Still rocking chairs are often to be found in the most common corners of our houses. What may have changed is the design. Nowadays, they come in more transformed and chic designs like the one you see here.

This is a fascinating piece of rocking chair designed by ineke. This masterpiece is retailed under the brand name of cappellini. The very look gives the feel that the designer, while carving it out of wood, has kept intent adherence to the leisure and luxury factor that you may be seeking in it while you pick one of this for your study!! It has a strong stand at the base to give a firm support to your feet and the wide and broad, curved plank at the back gives perfect allegiance to your spine and elbows.

So, leave the worry to it’s sake and keep rocking…


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