3 Interesting Stress-Relieving Activities You Should Know

Interesting Stress-Relieving Activities You Should Know

One of the most human emotions is stress. It isn’t exactly negative but it definitely does not feel positive either. Lots of people rely on stress to get work done, others have stress so bad it leads to crippling anxiety. One thing is for sure though, too much stress is not good for your mind, body, or soul.

Finding activities you can do that help relieve stress is all personal, some activities that are meant to relieve stress can be very stressful for certain people but can be really calming for others. As you read through this blog post, consider which activities would work best for you, or you can even try them all out to see which one you like best to calm you down. These ideas aren’t your typical activities for stress relief, however, we urge you to keep an open mind, the mind works in mysterious ways and that is where stress originates from.

1.   Tactile activities

popping bubble wrap

Tactile activities are activities that are connected to your sense of touch. These kinds of activities can help with stress because of how much it will get you out of your own mind. Tactile activities can include something as simple as popping bubble wrap. Focusing on a single sense can truly help you forget about your stress. You can also play with your pets, make your own DIY slime, and more.

2.   Take an ice bath

Man sitting in a bathtub filled with ice cubes

If you are interested in this stress relieving activity but aren’t in possession of an ice bath, check out and you will find a nice selection of icetubs just for this purpose. However, if you have a personal bath and are able to use that as an ice bath, you can do that as well. Ice baths are known for their muscle recovery purposes but they are also used to relieve stress. The coldness of the bath will shock you out of your stress and all you can think about is how cold you are.

3.   Test out Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

This kind of therapy is about focusing on relaxing all of your muscles consciously but not all at once. The way it works is by taking a few deep breaths and then picking a muscle group, like your legs, then intentionally tightening them and then relaxing them. Do this with as many muscle groups as you can. You can do this for a few minutes every day and at some point (maybe even on your first time) you will physically feel the relaxation. This can also help you identify when you are subconsciously tensing your muscles due to stress and you can destress by relaxing those muscles. 

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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