Why hunt? Get Robotic Hunting Trophies!


Yes you’d like to have hunting trophies on the wall, but who says you must be crude and cruel to get them? Leave hunting to animals and instead adorn your walls with France Sadet’s Hunting Trophies. She displayed these proudly in November at De l’objet de laboratoire au sujet social (translating into From Laboratory Object to Social Subject). Then it was a project in-making, now it is project completed. Hunting Trophies consists of replicas of eleven different animals (see gallery). Each trophy is equipped with an internal program that responds to its outside environment, detecting the same through an infrared sensor. These robotic trophies are designed to be eerie (horror movie-style). When a person stands and admires these front-on, the trophies remain inactive. As soon as the person moves away though, the trophy becomes alive and follows his movements, turning its head in the direction of person’s movement. As the person comes closer, the trophy starts to growl and becomes more aggressive if person continues to come near it. These growls are symbolic of animals’ anger at having been killed and stuffed up, to be hung up on a wall. Alternative to real hunting, Robotic Hunting Trophies provide a humane way out for an age old method of décor.

Via: We-make-money-not-art

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