4 Handy Tips to Choose a Whole Office Color Scheme

Choose a Whole Office Color Scheme

Choosing the right color scheme for your office can feel daunting. You can convey the right feelings and emotions to those who work in your place of business as well as to customers that visit your location. This can make it feel like choosing the right color of paint for each part of your company is almost impossible.

Office color schemes can be tricky for a variety of reasons and you will likely have to think a little bit about the process of choosing your office scheme. You will need to blend the colors and images of your branding efforts along with the overall emotions that you want to convey to everyone who steps inside your business property.

If you have been struggling to try and find the right office color scheme for your needs, you need to read these tips to choose a whole office color scheme!

Tips to Choose a Whole Office Color Scheme

These are not the only color choices that you can make for your office painting jobs. You will need to consider all of the many options that are out there for painting an office space and see which ones most closely align with your painting goals.

1. Complementary Colors

If you want to have a calm and peaceful interior aspect to your business but do not want to have boring colors that make you feel sleepy or like the space is too clinical, this is the right choice to make. Complementary color schemes are chosen by picking a color and its opposite on the color wheel. This means that you could pick blue and orange or purple and yellow for your interior colors to get access to this color scheme.

This can be a great way to make an office space feel colorful without overwhelming anyone who steps inside your business. You might find that the colors that you pick are not truly complementary, but they will have the same effect if they are close to being opposite one another on the color wheel. Many businesses already use colors like this in their branding and their logo, so you might be able to just use your business colors for your office color scheme.

2. Analogous Colors

Analogous Colors

You can keep things a little more business-like and airier by choosing a color and its neighbor on the color wheel with the analogous color scheme. This is a common choice for places like banks, doctor’s offices, and other locations where bright colors are not typically used. If you have a dark workspace or a dark building that your company is housed in, this can make the rooms seem much lighter and more inviting.

This can be a great choice as well if you want to communicate a sense of quiet competency with your paint scheme. People tend to feel welcomed into this kind of space and this can be a great way to fend off feelings of mid-day sleepiness or the doldrums from a lack of light. You can add some color with this option by hanging colorful paintings or pictures after you are done painting.

3. Monochromatic Color Schemes

While this might seem like a bold choice to make for your office, you will find that monochromatic colors can be a great choice for your color scheme. You can choose dark colors or light colors for this color styling choice and you will be able to use shades of this color throughout your working space. This can be a great way to make a sunny and overly-bright office space seem a little less stark and it can also be used to brighten up a very dark workspace.

This color scheme might be so subtle that many people will not realize that you have used a few different shades of the same base color. This is all right, however, because you will not be picking this color scheme if you want to have a noticeable splash of color anywhere in your workspace. This can be a really good choice for professional locations of all kinds to keep the feeling of their workspace professional and inviting.

4. Bright and Colorful

Some professional locations can afford to have a bright and colorful color scheme. Daycares, automotive businesses, and art shops are great examples of places that can afford to use a really bright color scheme for their business painting needs. You will find that bright and colorful paints can offer a sense of energy to a space and they can also communicate clearly what your business type is.

This is a great choice to make for locations that should be connected with the feeling of youthful enthusiasm and bold choices that these colors will convey. There are some industries that always use really bright colors for their office painting needs, and if you are a business owner in one of these industries, you can consider this a good option for your needs. You will need to be careful about choosing this kind of paint scheme if you own a doctor’s office or if you are trying to style a professional location that would not normally be painted in this way.

Choosing a Color Scheme Doesn’t Have to be Hard

color palette choices

In many cases, the kind of business that you own will help you greatly toward making color palette choices for your office. Most businesses have a set of normal colors that customers will expect to see in these kinds of spaces, and you can use these as your guide. If you want to break outside of the norm, there are plenty of more colorful, or less colorful options out there that you can choose from to paint your workspaces in just the way that you want.

Remember that colors convey emotions and feelings to visitors and to the people who work there. You will want to consider the emotions that you are bringing into the workspace with your color choices carefully. Making sure that everyone from your employees to your customers is comfortable in your office is important and the color palette that you select for your office painting needs can help to do just that.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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