4 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

As you sit inside your house, watching Black Tie Moving unload the last of the furniture to your neighbor’s new home – you can’t help but feel grim. Every winter you feel a little sad, and you aren’t entirely sure why. Fret not, as this is common for a lot of us!

Here, we offer 4 ways to beat the winter blues.

1.  Spend Time Outside

You take a look at the forecast and it’s going to be near freezing all week. It may seem like a good time to stay inside, but does that mean you won’t go outside until Spring arrives? It certainly doesn’t have to.

Grab your winter coat, gloves, and hat! You can easily bundle up to spend some of your day outside, as it’s not natural for us humans to completely hibernate over the winter. You don’t need to spend hours in the cold temperatures, but a walk will do just the trick.

Spending some quality time in nature during the winter is a great way to help combat those winter blues. Even just 10 minutes outside will help to increase your mood!

2.  Vitamin D

Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin. It only makes sense that we get less of this essential nutriment during the colder seasons. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t get it elsewhere.

Consider taking a Vitamin D supplement in wintertime. It’s essential to help keep your bones and immune system healthy. One could safely assume that one of the causes of colds being more common in the winter are due to a weaker immune system.

If you want to try and stay healthy and happy this winter, check out your local drugstore for some Vitamin D tablets!

3.  Get Moving

Winter is all about being cozy, we get it! The holidays are near and working out is the last thing on your mind. Yet, exercise is a great way to get endorphins.

Endorphins can help to combat those negative, sluggish feelings once November hits.Endorphins have been shown to help ease symptoms of depression, stress, and anxiety – all common mental states experienced in winter.

Staying active in winter doesn’t have to be challenging. You could consider joining a local gym or finding a yoga studio near you. There is also a whole slew of home workouts available online that are completely free. Find what works for you and aim to move your body at least 20 minutes a day!

4.  Pick up an Indoor Hobby

Have you always been interested in learning how to paint? Perhaps you’ve wanted to work on your poetry which you haven’t picked up in years. Winter is one of the best times to either start a new hobby or pick up on an old one!

Spend some time thinking about how you enjoy creatively expressing yourself. This could be through musical instruments, writing, or crafting.Experts say that when we are in a creative state, it releases hormones that help alleviate symptoms of stress and anxiety!

If you’re not sure where to start, check out websites like Pinterest that have numerous options for getting creative. Find what piques your interest and hop right into your artistic state of being.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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