3 Common Causes of Bunions

Common Causes of Bunions

A bunion, sometimes called a hallus valgus, is a bony bump that forms on the outside of the big toe as a result of an imbalance of pressure being placed on the foot. Bunions are extremely common, with approximately 1 in 3 Americans being expected to experience this issue at some point in their lives. If you are suffering from bunions, the effects can range from levels of slight discomfort to unbearable pain. So, how can this medical issue be avoided?

A few of the common causes of bunions include?

1.  Improper Footwear

The most common cause of bunions is wearing shoes that do not properly fit, especially for a long period of time. Wearing shoes that are too small, shoes that do not give your toes enough space or wiggle room, or shoes like high heels that place an imbalance amount of pressure on different parts of the foot can lead to bunions.

2.  Long Periods of Time Spent on Feet

If you work in a job or have a hobby that requires a lot of time spent on your feet – such as running or playing a sport – you are at risk for bunions. Spending hours on your feet with no rest can place a large amount of stress on your feet and toe joints, and can lead to an imbalance of pressure being placed on your toes.

3.  Natural Foot Shape

Bunions are not genetic, however the natural shape of your foot can leave you pre-disposed to encounter bunions throughout your life. If your feet are naturally flat or have an unnatural amount of curvature, you are more likely to be at a higher risk of developing bunions over time. Although bunions are not truly generic, if your parents have experienced bunions in the past, you are at a much higher risk for experiencing bunions.

Bunions can be very uncomfortable and, if left untreated, can become extremely painful. Bunions must be diagnosed and treated right away from a medical clinic like The Bunion Cure in order to stop pain and avoid complications in the future. Most bunions require surgery in order to be removed and for pain to be treated at the source. If you are experiencing a bony bump on the side of your foot and experiencing pain when walking or standing, it might be a good idea to contact your doctor regarding a bunion diagnosis.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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