How to Get Started as a Designer on Twitch in 2022

How to Get Started as a Designer on Twitch in 2022

Are you a designer thinking of starting a Twitch channel in 2022? It’s an exciting idea, but where do you start? In this article, we’ll walk you through the basics of setting up your designer Twitch channel and getting started on streaming. We’ll also give you some tips on how to grow your audience and make money streaming. Let’s get started!

1. Decide What You Are Going to Be Doing

The very first thing that you’re going to need to do if you want to get started on Twitch in 2022 is to decide what you are going to be doing. The great thing about Twitch is that it is constantly evolving and you don’t necessarily only need to play video games. Many people have found success on Twitch by just watching YouTube videos and talking with their audience.

As a designer, one of the best things you can do to increase your success on Twitch is to be proactive and focused in your approach. You need to be willing to put in the extra effort to create a high-quality broadcast that will stand out from the rest. This means being creative in your content and delivery and providing value to your viewers through your unique perspective. Additionally, it is important to be responsive to your chat and engage with your community. By building a strong rapport with your viewers, you will create a loyal following that will help propel you to success as a designer on Twitch.

2. Decide Why You are Doing it

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The next thing that you are going to have to do when getting started on Twitch after you have decided what you are going to be doing is to work out why you are doing it. This is a very important question and will affect how popular or quickly you become or grow. For example, are you using Twitch just to make friends, to make money, or to show people what you love doing?

If you are using Twitch to just make money, then you should not make that incredibly apparent since the people that use Twitch don’t appreciate this sort of attitude. More than this, you’ll have to figure out a strategy to grow as fast as you can so you can start getting donations as quickly as possible. You can use Twitch bots to help you out, as many people out there are doing it. This also means that you’ll have to stream as often as you can, which means creating a schedule and sticking to it.

3. Do Research into Analytics

The next thing that you are going to have to do if you want to grow on Twitch is to do research into analytics. What many people do is view the different categories on Twitch to see how many people stream at what times, what games are being streamed, what content is being streamed, and more. The reason this is done is that as a new account if you only have one or two viewers, your channel will be shown at the very bottom of the list, so entering a saturated category is not going to be good for growth.

More than this, you’ll also have to weigh up with or not you enjoy what you are streaming compared to how many people are in a specific category since this will determine how much you enjoy doing it. The good news is that there are many websites available that do analytics for you and recommend the best games or content to stream at the best times to reach as many people as possible.

4. Use Social Media Platforms


If you are just getting started on Twitch, then chances are that not many people know who you are. The first thing that you’ll want to do to address that is to begin using social media platforms to promote yourself.

The trick to using social media platforms to promote your Twitch account is to not be incredibly obvious about it. Posting something like “I’m streaming at this time, please follow me or watch my stream” is not going to get you any viewers. The best way to use social media platforms to promote yourself and get viewers for your channel is to use the platforms organically and upload little bits of your content. Also, it’s important to keep in mind that if you become an Affiliate, you won’t be able to stream on any other platforms.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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