Infinite wisdom : A bookcase that is a storehouse of knowledge

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Books, possibly are one of the best friends, a man can have. However, with the size of modern homes shrinking by the day, storing them properly can be quite a headache. Job Koelewijn has now come up with a compact but functional book storage design that will provide ample space for your infinite collection of books. Hailed as the ‘Infinity,’ the designer bookcase derives its shape from a lemniscate, or the figure 8, which signifies the infinite store of knowledge through the infinite power of books.


The Infinity Bookcase is specially designed to slot in modern residential as well as commercial apartments. The bookcase not only offers a huge space for your vast collection of books, but with its symbolic shape it gives an entirely different look to the living space.

Via: Gizmodo


Job Koelewijn is a Dutch designer.

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