Multi-touch floor display allows wide potential without sacrificing the direct touch

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Tabletop displays or computers may allow a wide range of possibilities, but they too have their limitations, as they cannot extend more than an arm’s length due to the size limitations. Providing a solution, a team under human-computer interaction professor Patrick Baudisch has come up with a multi-touch floor display that ensures endless possibilities in both space and experience to the users and that too without sacrificing the direct touch. Incorporating the high-resolution multi-touch into back-projected floors, the floor display concept can sense pressure and recognize users based on the soles of their shoes, so it could ignore inactive users and focus only on known users capable of use their foot to interact with very high precision. In addition, the floor allows high-precision interaction to let users type with their foot on a QWERTY keyboard. Check out the video after the jump.

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Via: Hasso Plattner Institut/Designboom

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