Gutsalenko’s Solid car concept is virtually crash-proof

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So they finally found a cure for reckless/drunk drivers in the guise of a virtually crash-proof car! Created by Russian designer Nikita Gutsalenko, the Solid vehicle was presented at the 2008 Michelin Challenge Design NAIAS Showcase and stood out for its innovative safety elements. Apart from standard driver-safety measures like seatbelts and airbags, the Solid also has two special elements installed in the front and back sides of the car that lend it an additional maneuverability by turning around. The sturdy elements as well as a frame ring, protect the booth from direct impact in case of a crash by absorbing the bulk of the impact and deforming itself to negate the force. The car also features an approach sensor that turns on the auto brake system reducing the speed of the car to prevent a possible collision.

Although the car does not feature any protective gizmos that will instill common sense and eliminate the driver’s stupidity, we think if we put enough of these out there, we’d be able to keep a more stringent check on reckless drivers, prevent them from killing and getting killed in car crashes so we can have the government raise the taxes to be able to sustain them when they catch them and throw them behind bars. Check out more images in picture gallery.

Source: Michelin Challenge Design

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