Tricks for Addressing and Eliminating Septic System Odors

Septic tank odor

A properly functioning septic system shouldn’t smell, so detecting unpleasant odors coming from inside or outside your home is an indication of septic trouble. Some of the common causes of septic system odors include a full septic tank, blocked vent stacks, a damaged septic tank, and blocked drain pipes. If you’re troubled by foul odors coming from your septic system, you’ve come to the right place. Today, Septic Blue provides the top tips for getting rid of septic odors.

1. Schedule Regular Septic Tank Pumping

The most common cause of septic system odors is a full septic tank. Too much waste in the tank can cause foul odors to permeate your home because they have nowhere to go. If you’ve not had your septic tank emptied for several years, it may be time to schedule expert septic tank pumping in Cumming. Regular pump-outs save you money on repairs, protect the environment, and extend the lifespan of your septic system. Contact Septic Blue for septic tank pumping services.


2. Address Vent Stack Issues

The vent stack allows gases from the septic tank to escape and helps prevent odors from entering your home. Check the vent stack to ensure it’s not blocked or clogged. If it’s too short, extending it can help disperse odors more effectively. Consider adding a carbon filter to the vent stack to trap odors.

3. Inspect for Clogged Drain Lines

Clooger pipes

Clogged drain lines can prevent wastewater from flowing properly through the septic system, leading to backups and odors. If you notice slow drains or frequent clogs, have a plumber inspect your drain lines for blockages.

4. Inspect The Riser Covers

Septic tank cover

A septic riser is a large-diameter pipe running from the ground surface down to your buried septic tank. This pipe provides easy access every time you need to inspect or pump out the tank. The risers are equipped with covers to keep debris out and prevent odors from escaping the septic tank. If a riser cover is cracked, broken, or has holes, it won’t effectively trap odors. Besides, an improper seal between the cover and the riser itself can allow odors to seep out. If your riser cover is damaged in any way, call a nearby septic company to perform an inspection and recommend repairs or replacements. Here at Septic Blue, we take pride in providing a wide range of septic repairs.

5. Replace The Septic System

Set up septic system

An aging septic tank comes with many issues, including septic odors escaping the tank and recurring blockages. Your septic system can serve you for decades, but it will reach a point where replacing it becomes necessary. If your septic system is old and showing signs of failure, contact a trusted septic company for a replacement before it causes further problems. A new septic system treats wastewater more effectively, thereby reducing the risk of clogs and backups. Reach out to Septic Blue today for septic system repair or replacement.


Get Rid Of Septic System Odors with the Help of Septic Blue

If you can’t seem to eliminate system odors of septic tank, seek professional help from Septic Blue. Our professional septic technicians have the expertise and tools to identify the cause of the problem and provide dependable solutions. At Septic Blue, we take pride in delivering top-notch septic services to both homeowners and businesses in the areas we serve. Whether you’re in need of septic tank installation or septic pumping in Cumming, we’ve got you covered.

Article by Community Writer.

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