Unlikely products designed around Facebook and Twitter logos

Man is a social animal and we are living in a world where social networking dominates us. Everyone is on Facebook and Twitter, adding posts, updating information, staying in touch and whatnot. These social networking sites have become our priorities. All the fans of Facebook and Twitter will be glad to see products that show off their favorite time wasters, if not just for use, then perhaps these items will find love for the novelty they offer.

Following are some products and designs that were inspired by the popularity of Facebook and Twitter.

Facebook Dress

Facebook Dress 2

Romanian designer Lana Dumitru designed this very interesting Facebook dress. The designer created the dress in such a way that it looks like a huge profile page, giving the information of the owner. With the increasing popularity of Facebook, perhaps the dress or its idea would find some takers.

Twitter Shoes

Twitter Shoes by Adidas

Even your shoes can tweet now, Rambler Twetter Sneaker tweets whenever it senses your walk. Adidas has come up with the cool shoe design, the logos of Twitter and Adidas are visible on the shoe. You can even get more varieties as many other designers are coming up with new Twitter-inspired shoe designs.

Facebook Cake

Facebook Cake

You can now surprise your Facebook obsessed friend by ordering a Facebook cake. The Facebook lovers will surely fall for this one and the novelty should carry some appeal. You can even get the Facebook profile imprinted on the cake for more style.

Tweet Rings

Tweet Rings 2

With these stylish rings, you can engrave your tweets on both the sides of ring. Tweet rings come in steel, silver or titanium. They are all shiny but also serve you with different options, if you want a little dark go for titanium and if you have low budget, go steel. If you want to add novelty to your jewelry, tweet rings will provide you the best.

Facebook and Twitter Pillow

Facebook and Twitter Pillow

These cute pillows featuring the icons of Facebook and Twitter are practically, for those who cannot get over with the social networking sites. You eat, drink, and now you can sleep with your favorite social networking site by your side.


Our day starts by these social networking sites and ends with them. As life is a variety of spices, we all need something new and interesting to keep us in contact with the things we do.

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