Why a Mini Bouquet is One of the Best Presents to Give?


It’s a normal thing to have a bouquet in your hand, have you ever seen a mini bouquet? How mini is it? Hold it in the palm of your hand, put it on your fingertips, blow a breath and it’s gone. But a mini bouquet can look exactly as good as a regular sized bouquet! Therefore mini bouquets can be completely said to be held in your hands with love. Florists from all over the world organized the “Mini Bouquet Challenge” to create a very small mini bouquet with carefully selected flowers and plants, hold it in the palm of their hands and take pictures to complete the challenge.


The mini bouquet was only one-tenth the size of an ordinary bouquet. A bouquet of flowers was more petite than a single peony or dahlia, as if it were a gift from Lilliputian, and it was adorable. While traditional bouquets are held, mini bouquets can only be gently squeezed with the fingertips, so they are also called fingertip bouquets. Although the sparrow is small, all the guts are there. Mini bouquet of good color and shape are not sloppy. If there is no reference in the photo, you would think it is a normal size bouquet. Open the palm of your hand, a small bouquet of flowers suddenly changed out, which is probably the most beautiful magic in the world.

In fact, mini bouquets have been around for a long time. Regular sized bouquets belong to flower gifts as a New Year’s gift for others and are difficult to integrate into everyday life. However, mini bouquets fill this gap and are very suitable for integration into daily life. 

There are three common types of mini bouquets


One is that florists will offer experience packages for high quality, rare and expensive imported flowers, with just one flower, simply supplemented with foliage and packaging. If you are curious and want to have beautiful and rare flowers, but don’t want to spend too much money, this type of mini bouquet is perfect for you.

There is also a mini bouquet with 3-5 kinds of flowers that look great together. You can use it as a vase arrangement and put it in your living room, desk or office. It is small but big enough to please yourself.

If you have a lot of dried flowers at home, try to make a mini bouquet, hanging on the wall as a decoration is a very good idea. There are many ways to play with mini bouquets. In addition to direct decoration, you can be placed in a photo frame as a specimen, Embellish the gift box. When a friend has a birthday and is ready to give a gift, we don’t have to struggle with sending flowers or gifts. It is the best of both worlds and full of sincerity. The groom’s boutonniere as well as the bride’s head flower is actually a mini bouquet.  It would be fun to make the groom’s boutonniere a mini version of the bride’s hand bouquet, with the two echoing each other! If you want to send flowers to China, welcome to sammygift.

Often florists have leftover flowers that are too fragmented to make a full bouquet, so some florists make mini bouquets and try to match different flowers with each other for inspiration!

A florist friend told me that the leftover flowers from the studio were too fragmented to make a complete bouquet, so she would make mini bouquets to try out different flowers and provide a lot of inspiration.

For those of you who are interested in floristry, don’t lose the wildflowers and weeds that you usually pick in the mountains, try to match them up and treat them as a free creation.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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