10 Signs Which Mean That Your Roof Needs to Be Replaced

Your Roof Needs to Be Replaced

There’s no argument that a roof is one of the essential features of a home. It protects your house from various external elements as well as enhances the visual appeal. While roofs are constructed keeping longevity in mind, there is only so much they can bear. Over time, roofing systems are bound to wear down and lose their original durability. This can result in roof leaks and can even jeopardize your home’s structural integrity.

We’re sharing some common signs pointing towards a deteriorating roofing system. Take a look.

1. Sagging


If you spot any signs of your roof sagging, immediately contact a roofing contractor and get it replaced.

2. Moss or Mold Growth

Moss or mold growth may be signaling an underlying problem such as trapped moisture or faulty shingles.

3. Attic Damage

It may be difficult to check shingles on your own. But it’s much easier to inspect the interiors of your home. Start by looking around in the attic and other crawl spaces for any signs of water damage, pest infestation, and rotting. These issues could be pointing to a damaged roofing system. If you notice such signs, consult a roofing contractor.

4. Curling Shingles

Curling Shingles

Are you roof shingles starting to curl? This is one of the most common signs of wear and tear. Curled shingles are on the verge of breaking, which will expose your roof to moisture and other external elements. This likely means that you need to get a roof replacement.

5. Harsh Weather

Your roof is the first line of defense against hard weather conditions such as hail storms, heavy rains, and hurricanes. After a rough storm passes, it’s always wise to get your roof inspected for any damage. Get in touch with an experienced roofing contractor who can inspect your roof and recommend any necessary repairs.

6. Old Installation

Typically, asphalt roofs have a lifespan of 20-25 years, and metal roofs can last between 40-70 years. If your roofs are nearing their expiry date, it may be time to get a new one installed. Even if there are no visible signs of damage, it’s a good idea to ask a roofing contractor to take a look.

7. Bald Spots

Bald Spots

If your roof has substantial bald spots, that may be an indication for a roof replacement. Missing shingles can cause major damage to your roofing system. While a few missing shingles isn’t something to be alarmed about, you should definitely get it looked at to ensure your there isn’t any hidden damage.

8. High Energy Bills

Have you noticed a recent rise in your energy bills? One of the prime functions of the roof is to adequately insulate your house and subsequently prevent energy loss. If your energy bills are increasing every month, an inadequate roofing system could be to blame. Get it inspected to ensure it’s doing the job.

9. Blisters

Moisture can get trapped between the shingles due to roof leaks or faulty manufacturing processes. This can blister the surface of shingles, making your roof vulnerable to damage caused by extreme weather conditions. Such blisters can also occur because of poor ventilation.

10. Improper Installation

Improper Installation

If your asphalt shingles roof is younger than 20 years but still showing granule loss, it’s possible that the roof wasn’t installed properly in the first place. When shingles are improperly installed, they tend to slide and result in unfavorable consequences. Poor installation will impact the aesthetics and compromise the seal strength of your roof.

The Bottom Line

Ignoring any of these aforementioned concerns can prove to be catastrophic. If you’ve noticed such signs, it would be best to consult roofing experts at Guy Roofing and get your roof repaired or replaced.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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