Best Apps to Monitor and Limit Your Child’s Screen time


There has been an unprecedented use of screens of all kinds by our children. With online schools, the exposure has doubled. On top of that, children want to use mobiles, tablets, laptops for entertainment too, which you cannot put a complete stop to. You may have stipulated the time they can use their devices for. But how do you know or ensure that the time regulation is being followed. Check out these apps which would help to monitor as well limit your kid’s screen time:

Best apps to monitor and limit your child’s screen time 

1. Famisafe


This app is pretty useful for parents with android phones. There are several features including one to limit the child’s screen exposure, such as Screen Time, with which you can block or curtail the time spent on screens. If the thought foremost in your mind is ‘how I can monitor my child’s text messages’, this app will help you do that. 

2. MamaBear


If you’re worried about your child’s safety on social media, then this app has many useful features. Kids’ post photos and messages on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter etc., and they can sometimes be vulnerable to online predators. MamaBear helps to monitor social media activity of your child, and you will receive notifications about new tags, check-ins, or when they upload photos. If your teenager drives over the speed limit you have set, then you would know instantly. 

3. DinnerTime


Children are loath to leave their devices, and it can get quite irritating and energy draining for parents who have to keep telling them to stop, and eat their dinner, or study, or sleep! This is one of the best free apps which can help keep your child focused on school work, sleep or just spend time with family.

For this app, the kid’s device has to be Android, but your device can be Android or iPhone/iPad/iPod. There are three different modes to choose from – the DinnerTime mode pauses any screen activity for about 2 hours, take a Break will pause screen activity for 24 hours. Bed Time mode allows you to set the hours, but the alarm clock will keep running. The DinnerTime Plus app works on five kids’ phones and the free version is for 2 kids, controlled by two parents. 

4. Qustodio


This app is for Mac, Windows PC, iOS, Android as well as Kindle devices. It acts as a dashboard for you to monitor various online activities of your child. There is a free version as well as a paid one. For free, you can track Twitter, Facebook logins and set the time controls. If you go for the paid version, you will be able to block certain apps and games, monitor text messages as well as calls. You can monitor up 5 kids or 5 devices for a per year subscription. 

5. Checky


Help your child to keep track of his or her own obsession with the phone with this app. This app tells the user the number of times he or she used the phone during the day. In fact, it’s not only useful for kids, but also for parents who are forever checking their phones. You might even start rewarding the family members who used their phones for the least number of times in the day!

Spending too much time on the screen might result in your kids lagging behind in school. They may be leading a sedentary life, and not exercising enough, leading to health conditions. These apps help to create healthy screen habits so that work and fun can go together, along with the online safety you desire for your child.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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