Pet Plant lets your fauna give you a piece of its mind

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Communication. It’s the biggest buzzword and the most overwhelming philosophy adopted by the educated masses in modern times. Will all this focus on talking and expressing and communication, I guess some people felt that the plant kingdom was being kinda left out. Which is what probably prompted designer Junyi Heo to create a slick hi-tech system that will allow your plants to tell you exactly what they need. Thanks to a slick LCD display, a USB interface and a pot made with some real futuristic technology, the Pet Plant tell you his/her exact state of mind via a series of meaningful pictograms. With the aid of the clever pot, your plant will now be able to let you know what it needs in terms of soil condition, temperature, humidity and water. This thing is so good and so effective, you’ll wish they made one that could decode women’s moods and let their partners know what they feel and mean in no uncertain expressions!

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Source: Yanko Design

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