Mconcept keeps you on the run, quite literally!


Wanna visit the nearest market place at just two miles from your house, yet you’re in no mood to take out the car from the garage? Then Mconcept is the perfect solution to address your commutation problem.

Designed by Andre Monteiro, Director, Lobo Concepts, the Mconcept keeps you on the run without guzzling any fuel, or charging electricity. It retrieves its energy from the wells with a store-up option in the detachable battery that can be further re-used to power any other product or device. Its navigation is done through the movement of the user’s hands.


Thus all you need to do is get on the Mconcept and use your arms to run it while your legs take a backseat. And with an enviro-friendly product like this one, who would not sigh in its name! Especially with companies mulling in novice mobility devices every now and then, that are unique not in just terms of design but also high on functionality, this one is surely falls in the same league!




Via: Andremonteiro

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