Measuring Cup for the Blind: A kitchen assistance for the visually impaired

Measuring Cup for the Blind

Visually impaired people face extreme privation in life. Their state forces them to stay dependent on others for every minute thing. From crossing the road to reaching places, they need assistance. Nowadays many devices are available that have made the life of the visually impaired quite sorted. Jason Yore has designed the Measuring Cup for Blind, which will be of great help in the kitchen.

Liquids, like oil, need to be measured in an accurate manner before adding to a cooking utensil. They are easier to spill and difficult to clean. The measuring cup will help them measure liquids in a way that will keep the area clean. The design looks like a large cup which has marks on the outer facade. These marks are slightly lifted from the surface so that they can be touched while taking a reading. They read both in ounces and cups and the measurement increases as one moves upwards.

A level indicator has been wedged that will rise up when any liquid is poured in the cup. The whole design works on float mechanism, which finds a place inside the container in the form of a small box. The dice-shaped tool in turn has been coupled with the level indicator. A user can either pour till the indicator reaches the desired amount or randomly pour and then take a reading. The handle has been crafted to provide great stability while holding the container.

Cleaning the ingenious kitchen tool comes sans any difficulty. The parts being detachable can be snapped apart easily. This will not only ensure proper cleaning but will also save space while storing. The practical product can also be used by the able-sighted. It will beautifully club the visual familiarity with tactile augmentation for a better usage. Measuring cup for blind will conveniently add a sense of independence in the life of visually impaired.

Via: JasonYore

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