Art or junk, you decide. When art does what it is supposed to do, it leaves us inspired and motivates us create beauty in our surroundings. Mess Time is supposed to be a work of art, but one must politely admit that it takes of pondering to see the artistic value of the design. Abstract art is not entirely uninspiring, but its inherent format makes it difficult to execute: an abstract artist must ensure that the randomness does not degenerate into chaos, or lead to a piece with little or no inspirational value. Mess Time might have started out creative, but in its present form and purpose, it is as its name suggests, not so orderly. The pattern of the welded metal tubes is impressive, but it is somewhat doubtful that people will pick their dirty clothes out of the hamper and plaster them all over the house. The bags and luggage seem less out of place on the walls than the clothes do, but put in perspective, most people would rather have simple wall hooks than throw their belongings on bulky metal meshes.
Source: InventorSpot