New Design competition Explores wood as green material for urban construction

[box_dark]Wooden construction ideas for urban living initiated by ACSA competition[/box_dark]

From thousands of years, wood has been one of the most used products for construction. However, whenever it comes towards the development of urban area, cities are based on concrete and steel. Nevertheless, as the development is increasing at a rapid pace, more and more eco friendly methods are being adopted for development of homes so that it is easy to save the environment. It has been rightfully stated that, wood is one of the best green material for urban construction, but it has to proved to the public so that they can take use of it for the development process.

[box_dark]Reasons for holding the competition[/box_dark]

For generating interest and understanding in the lives of people about wood as a green material for urbane construction, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architectural and Binational Softwood Council along with Parsons the new school for design have decided to start up a competition for new designs for urbane construction that involves wood. The new concept that has been brought into light is taken excitedly by the students, as they would be able to show their talent and working skills in new models and designs with use of wood. The students who are participating in this event are stating that, it is a lifetime opportunity for them to show the world how good wood can be for building homes even in the urbane area.

The faculty and the expert professionals who are involved in this competition have stated that, timber or wood is the best eco friendly option for developing the residential and commercial area. In addition, they also stated that, it is easy to design the wood and take use of new designs and patterns that can give a new look with ease. Wood is considered one of the safest options for construction. Some of the major cities are already concentrating on the use of wood as the construction material and new projects are being initiated for the development. One such project has been handled by the professionals who in result have provided one of the tallest residential buildings made of laminated wood panels.

[box_dark]The tasks assigned for the competition[/box_dark]

The teams or individuals who will be involved in the competition have to design mixed use and mid-rise complex for a site. The site that has been decided is situated in Brooklyn waterfront of Red Hook. Although this place is a flux, it would be an opportunity for the students to show their skills and knowledge involved around wood. The teams or individuals who will be involved in the competition will have to regenerate the manufacturing sector of the urban area. In addition, they have to scrutiny the development needs of residential and commercial area and give solutions accordingly. In addition, they have to build affordable housing sections, bike repair and sharing joints, distribution centers and manufacturing units with use of wood.

New construction systems are to be proposed by the entrants with use of different wood technologies that are into existence. The design and patterns that will be done has to be there in the proposal for the urban development. In addition, characteristics of wood that would be taken into use for the development has to be there in the report so that it is easy for the panel of judges to decide upon the winner of the competition.


[box_dark]The reward to the winner[/box_dark]

Winner of this competition will be eligible to get a sum of thirty thousand dollars along with which their project proposals would be highlighted in the annual meeting of ACSA in Miami and convocation of the American institute of architects in Chicago in the year 2014.

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