Recycling the logical, coded way

barcode trashcan wymwt 3858

What exactly do you think you are doing? Recycling is not just about trashing and then putting stuff in randomly wherever you deem fit. As a matter of fact, not all items can be recycled either. The Barcode Trashcan provides a logical way out and gives a method and direction to our ‘go green’ efforts. Designed by Woo Seok Park, the Barcode Trashcan provides different slots to put in different items. User needs to look at the recycling symbol on the product packaging and discern the indicated number. This would determine if the item can be recycled. Just swipe the item in question on the top of the can and an appropriate bin would open. No hassles and the perfect way to going green, the Barcode Trashcan is a design with great potential. Jump for more pics.

barcode trashcan2 PUE44 3858

barcode trashcan3 MooDg 3858

barcode trashcan4 x8g3M 3858

Via: Intltrendsetter

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