Selling Your Home? Consider Getting Trendy with an Exterior Home Remodel

Getting Trendy with an Exterior Home Remodel

Do you avoid trends and prefer to be an individual? There’s nothing wrong with that. Being an individual and expressing your uniqueness contributes much needed authenticity to the world. However, when you’re trying to sell your home, being trendy pays off.

Just like fashion, homes move in and out of trends over the years. For example, today’s trendy indoor and outdoor planters have adopted the same look as modern furniture with unique shapes, smooth surfaces, and solid colors.

While it’s easy to keep up with home décor trends as they change, it’s not so easy to constantly change the look of your home’s exterior. Thankfully, trends in exterior design don’t change too frequently, but if it’s been more than ten years since you’ve updated your exterior, it’s worth considering.

Your home will sell faster when it’s trendy


Some people might consider this a blow to the value of individuality, but trendy homes sell fast. Unless your home is so unique it’s literally one-of-a-kind and has some kind of appeal to a niche group of people, an out-of-style home will attract fewer potential buyers.

There are staple features that make a home appealing to buyers, but even those features follow trends. For example, remodeling light fixtures, landscaping, and porches can increase the overall resale value of your home when you follow current trends. 

Exterior design involves more than siding

When you think about updating your home’s exterior design, you’ll naturally think about your siding. While aesthetically pleasing siding is crucial to selling your home, there’s more to consider. Exterior design includes anything and everything that can be seen from the curb and includes your backyard. This means landscaping, decks, windows, roofs, driveways, and patios are all part of your home’s exterior design. Some of these elements are more important than others.

Data published by Kiplinger shows that 87% of home buyers want a patio in the backyard. When potential buyers see a nice backyard, they picture themselves hosting parties and hanging out with friends, having a barbecue, or sharing some drinks.

With a trendy and inviting patio in the backyard, your home is far more likely to sell quickly.

What home designs are currently trending?

home designs

Today’s trends look nothing like the trends of yesteryear. There is a clear distinction between home trends in every decade for both interior and exterior design. Concerning interior designs, a form of abstract modern art called “Cubism” was popular in the 1920s; in the 1930’s, it was all about mirrored and metallic surfaces; homes in the 1950’s were decked out with wood paneling; and the 1990s saw an abundance of brass fixtures.

Exterior design trends have seen drastic changes as well. In the 1930s, homes looked like farmhouses with bold red and white paint; in the 1950s, homes were pained yellow; the 1970s saw plenty of brick exteriors and brown paint; and in the 2010s, homeowners started getting fancy with staggered and straight edge shingles.

Today, the exterior trends are focused on natural materials like stone and brick along with big, beautiful glass or iron doors. Doors continue to be an investment that provides more than 100% ROI. It’s not unusual for homeowners to spend several thousand dollars on an intricate, ornate front door. 

Low maintenance exterior design is always in-demand

No matter what aesthetic designs are trending, low maintenance exteriors are part of every trend. Homeowners don’t want to spend unnecessary time fussing with their roof, siding, or landscaping. If you want to sell your home fast and for your asking price, your exterior should be as maintenance-free as possible.

Installing low maintenance siding is always worth the investment. Vinyl siding is cheap, but it’s not durable in the long run. Brick and stone veneer are the best options for aesthetics and durability. If you can afford the installation costs, fiber cement siding is another great option.

Maintenance-free landscaping is especially appealing to buyers because landscaping services aren’t cheap. There are plenty of simple ways to make your yard low maintenance. For example, put mulch around your plants all around your yard instead of grass. Grass requires watering or it will die and look ugly. Mulch doesn’t require any maintenance and it’s beneficial. Mulch breaks down into the soil, fertilizes your plants, and stops weeds from growing. 

A trendy remodel is easier than it looks

Exterior Home Remodel

You don’t need to perform expensive remodels to make your home trendy. Taking care of the basics like siding and landscaping will go a long way to increase curb appeal and get your home sold faster.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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