4 – Ways to live a more sustainable lifestyle


Do you think about the impact of your day to day choices on the environment? Or maybe what you wonder about is how you can reduce that impact? Either way, if you’re looking for ways to live a more sustainable lifestyle, we have some tips below.

1. Go vintage

Go vintage

When you’re trying to live a more sustainable lifestyle, one of the changes you can make is the choice to shop at vintage or second-hand stores instead of high-street shops or online sites. As we become more aware of the environmental impact of fast fashion, more of us are choosing to head to the second-hand shops instead. The positive news is that by 2028, it has been suggested that 13% of the clothes in women’s wardrobes are likely to be secondhand. And it’s not just clothes that you can buy at vintage stores — you can pick up some unique decorative items, crockery and shoes as well.

2. Go plastic free

When you stroll around the supermarket, pop into your local coffee shop or unpack an item that you’ve bought online, it’s very obvious to see just how much unnecessary plastic is being used every day. To start living a plastic-free lifestyle, it’s time to invest in some reusable bags, stainless steel straws, reusable cutlery, sustainable toothbrushes and reusable food containers. Ensure that you continue to spread the word to others, too.

3. Go green in your home


Is your home adequately insulated? Have you switched to energy-saving lightbulbs? There are plenty of ways that you can go green in your home, with examples including turning off appliances and lights when you are not using them and recycling envelopes and wrapping paper wherever possible. Another thing to consider is your boiler. Ensure that it is running efficiently in your home, and if it’s not, consider whether you would benefit from investing in a new one that’s more economical to run. Boilers are pricey however, so you might want to wait until you have saved enough to replace your old one. If you’re planning to replace your boiler soon, make sure you consider the cost of a new boiler and all associated costs when coming up with your budget. If your boiler needs urgently replacing, you could consider alternative methods of financing itif you don’t have enough money in your savings.

4. Go for a walk, rather than a drive

When you’re trying to live a more sustainable lifestyle, one of the most important changes you can make is using your car less. If possible, pop your trainers on and walk, or for a speedier journey, ride your bike. If you are headed to a location further away, consider taking the bus or train, as they are a more environmentally-friendly solution. If you have no other option than to drive to work, see if any of your colleagues would be willing to car pool with you.

Together, we can make small— yet very important — changes to reduce our environmental footprint.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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