Beginner’s Guide to Email AI

Email AI

Over the last decade, online marketing has grown and improved thanks to artificial intelligence. There are many tools at your disposal including social media, customer relationship management software and analytics. There is also email.

Here is a beginner’s guide to artificial intelligence for email.

What is Email AI?

What is Email AI

The first electronic mail, or email, was sent in 1971 by Ray Tomlinson. The technology went mainstream when the first and free email service was launched in 2003. Digital marketing got its start in 1990 but experienced a setback with the dot com crash of the early 2000s. Since then, digital marketing has made a comeback, which is led by capitalizing on artificial intelligence. Now, email is experiencing a re-birth.

Businesses had already been gathering data on their customers; they just did not know it. Analytics allowed them to unearth valuable tidbits about customer behavior, habits and forecasting. Electronic mail was left behind due to the spam era following the dot com crash. People stopped opening the ones they believed were repetitive marketing or advertisements. Open rates, therefore, crashed.

AI for email helps sales and marketing teams focus on the potential customers and clients who are engaging. The goal is to reduce lost opportunities.

What Can it do to Enhance Your Email Campaigns?

The purpose of Email AI is to enhance email campaigns. CRMs have been widely adopted by business owners, management and sales departments, but researchers believe there is still a lot of guessing. When you are trying to figure out if a prospect is going to close a deal or not, many are still going with their gut feeling. AI for email, instead, hammers down the data that deals with facts instead of opinions.

The latest metric is email velocity. Professionals in the software industry took the time to analyze 500,000 pieces of electronic mail. They have determined that the more times a prospect engages with a sales team member through email within a pre-determined period of time, the more likely a deal will close.

When AI is applied to email campaigns, you have the opportunity to dig into patterns and habits. Research found that if a sales team can find those trends patterns and habits, they can figure out the trends. Once the trends are understood, they can find the triggers that lead to deals. Negative trends can lead to improvements for future campaigns, too.

How to Implement it

artificial intelligence for email

Implementing AI for email is not difficult. First, procure the software. Then, have it installed. Next, train the staff. Be sure to understand everyone’s pre-existing level of knowledge of tech as well as their comfort level. Even though this is the technology era, there are professionals who are not 100% comfortable with those tools.

Keep in mind that even though this new tool is adopted, you still have to do the groundwork. If your email campaigns are going to get filtered into spam folders, you have to figure out why that is happening. In order for the tool to maximize results, campaigns have to be engaging. The subject line must grab a reader’s attention within seconds. Then, the information provided has to be useful. If you are sending an advertisement, you have to be confident that the recipients are going to be receptive because you have brand equity. When that brand equity does not exist, the content of the campaign has to be massaged first.

To improve sales, there are a wide variety of tools available to you. They vary in cost, scope and scalability. AI for email is one of the latest that is worth testing at your company.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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