Camping or not, your sleeping bag is one of the most important components in your survival kit. It can motivate you to take on extreme challenges as you are assured of a comfortable sleep at night. You might find a range of sleeping bags in the market, but before opting for any of them, it is best to do research on your own end. Here is the list of some of the most durable and comfortable sleeping bags available in the market at present. Do give them try and spend your money wisely by opting for the best in the market.
Camping backpack that becomes a tent
Carrying a bulky Toogh tent for an overnight stay outdoors is possibly the most difficult part of the camping. Making your outdoor excursions a bit easy, Korean designers Ki-woong Baek and Sim so Jeong have come up with a unique backpack, which apart from lugging all your camping essentials also attaches a tent frame that stretches to provide shelter for a single person. The tent is very lightweight and simple to set up. All you need to do is take out the single tent from the backpack, hook it up to the frame and pull the tent behind to fix it on the ground. Just get in and calm your breath down to resume your journey for the next day.
Via: Designboom
Best Sleeping Bags for Camping
Here are some of the most innovative sleeping bags that add fun to your outdoor excursions.
1. JakPak

The “JakPak” is an all-in-one camping product intended toward outdoors and sports enthusiasts, which can also be used during emergency preparedness. Easy to carry and use, the multifunctional accessory unfolds a sleeping bag from inside back and pulls a tent from the back pocket of the jacket, providing alternative personal shelter for anyone who needs a reliable solution to exposure from the elements. Read more
2. Sleep Suit

Inspired by Buckminster Fuller’s practice of Dymaxion Sleeping, which involves four 30-minute naps over a period of 24 hours, the “Sleep Suit” by Forrest Jessee is a sort of portable sleeping bag that lets the user have a power nap anywhere, anytime. Interweaving structural pleats made in EVA foam, often used as padding in sports equipments and sleeping bags, the Sleep Suit ensures optimum comfort even in hard surfaces. Read more
3. Sexy Hotness sleeping bag

The “Sexy Hotness” is an innovative sleeping bag that offers ample space to stretch and move around during those blissful moments in the woods. Featuring zippers on both sides, it lets you connect a number of sleeping bags according to your party, and the Kama Sutra printed interior sets the mood for your intimate moments. Read more
4. Tauntaun sleeping bag

This high-quality sleeping bag looks just like a Tauntaun, complete with saddle, printed internal intestines, and a plush lightsaber zipper pull. Now when your kids tell you their favorite Star Wars movie is “Attack of the Clones” you can nestle the wee-ones snug in simulated Tauntaun fur while regaling them with the amazing tale of “Empire Strikes Back”. Read more
5. Therm-a-Rest Ultralight

Therm-a-Rest has essentially removed the entire bottom of the sleeping bag as well as the zippers. Instead of insulation on the bottom, the Haven works in conjunction with a sleeping pad, eliminating redundant material underneath and cutting weight to just 1 lb. 6 oz. Read more
6. Sleeping Coat

Designed by Lin Tsui-Wei, the “Sleeping Coat” is an inflatable jacket that turns into a sleeping bag for campers. Made in a lightweight waterproof fabric to keep your body warm, the coat features a number of pockets where you may store multiple tools required for camping, while its lower part separates to become a small mattress to rest you in comfort after your exhausting journey during the day. Read more
7. AlpKit PipeDream 200 Sleeping Bag

AlpKit PipeDream 200 Sleeping Bag has a lower section, which is filled with 200 grams of our 750-fill power goose down; there is a zip across the foot section in case you need to air your feet and a drawstring around the waist. Read more
8. Selk’bag

The Lippi Selk’bag is basically a sleeping bag/jumpsuit hybrid made out of material warm enough to withstand temperatures in the Andes. It comes in five different colors and ranges in price between $100 and $150. Read more
9. Blizzard Survival Sleeping Bag and Jacket

The Blizzard Survival Bag is a full-sized sleeping bag in a pack the size of a video cassette, providing total warmth and shelter anywhere, at any time. It’s made from unique Reflexcell material, which blocks heat loss more effectively than any other thermal emergency product. Read more
10. Emergency Survival Sleeping Bag

Emergency Survival Sleeping Bag will give you a powerful pocketful of warmth. The unique reflective material maintains up to 90% of your radiant body heat to help preserve crucial warmth. The sleeping bag tapes at the sides and is large enough to cover you from head to toe, yet small enough to fit in a pocket. Read more
11. Sexy Hostess Sleeping Bag

If you feel cramped and look for some extra space in your square sleeping bags, the “Sexy Hotness” is an innovative sleeping bag that offers ample space to stretch and move around during those blissful moments in the woods. Featuring zippers on both sides, it lets you connect a number of sleeping bags according to your party, and the Kama Sutra printed interior sets the mood for your intimate moments. A zipper in the middle ensures easy movement and access to the erogenous zones with minimum fuss. While the built-in padded slippers make sure that you take “those pesky middle-of-the-night bathroom breaks” without getting out of the sleeping bag. Cool!
12. Modular Tent

Trekking or camping, for an overnight stay in a remote place isn’t a cup of tea for each and everyone, as one needs to be physically and mentally able, apart from equipping themselves with all the basic amenities to cope up with the challenges of the adventurous operations. Making the task a bit easy for the campers, a designer has come up a “Modular tent concept” that is not only lightweight and easy to carry, but also capable of enduring the most extreme weather conditions.
Essentially an assembly of three modules for individual use, with an aluminum base module connecting the modules with each other at the center, the tent (in the pic) can accommodate three adults comfortably, while offering a handy storage area in the middle. Capable of sustaining furious tempests or snowstorms, the tent separates in three different modules, carried by each member of the crew, and supports interaction. Moreover, the tent can be molded, from one-person to six-person, according to the size of the crew.
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