Hybrid Urban Landscapes where plants and buildings co-exist in harmony

hybridizing the urban landscape

Could urbanization and agriculture co-exist? Would the twain ever meet? Such questions are typical of the new millennium. Human population explosion and the rise of urbanization have waned the forests into submission. The situation demands for a new type of thinking; one that will make room for each other. A hybridized landscape is one such solution. To quote a few examples, consider this – a tall building that covers itself with greenery, a recycling plant that uses plants to recycle, plants in cars that convert carbon dioxide to oxygen, and many more.

All these examples demonstrate a relationship between agriculture and the urban living space. Blending them both should not be a problem provided it’s done the right way. When resources are limited, ideas should be embraced with open arms. Agriculture must not suffer.

Laura Karnath’s “Hybridizing the Urban Landscape” project brings forth elevated farms that create two planes on the ground. One plane will be used for transportation and the other for agriculture. This arrangement makes sure that agriculture is not affected due to urbanization.

These farms will be grown and managed using composted organic waste water. The farms will also accommodate for air purification and growing plants without soil (in water containing dissolved nutrients). Farm hubs will expanded along with the roadways. They will connect to other farm hubs. Since farms are hydroponic, there is no requirement of maintenance of soil, just nutritional water will do. Farms connecting with other farms offers endless infrastructure possibilities for farmers. It also acts as a mechanism to build outdoor living spaces full of greenery.

Hybrid urbanization is the reality even if it is in the conceptual stage now. Very soon, lack of space will create such needs. This conceptual project is a result of fore thinking. Thinking ahead of the times is the best way to prepare for the inevitable. The inevitable being hybrid urban landscapes.

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Via: Laura Karnath

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