Important things in dining room design


The design of the dining room kitchen, usually, is a real example of a combination of spaces, combining two zones – the kitchen itself and the dining room, designed for a dining room with a living room, equipped with a TV, a large soft sofa, kitchen dining bar, etc.

The dining room mode, once forgotten, returns, but most of the time there is no place for them in the apartment, so matching in some cases is a necessary measure. This is how the kitchen dining room design in a private residence arises, offering you the widening scope and functionality of traditional rooms.

Standard apartments offer several design choices depending on the specific layout of the room as well as the kitchen itself. Given the length, width, and number of windows, you can determine the optimal design movement.

Project Development


The development of project design is the main point in doing the work. Based on the plan, you can calculate upfront costs, choose materials and determine the best kitchen interior design.

Depending on the layout, there are several types of facilities for kitchen dining rooms in the future:

Square or rectangular room.
The rooms are long and narrow.
Hallway room.
Room with two doors on one wall.
Room with several windows.

Zoning Principle


Of course, the main advice when creating such interiors is zoning. Separation of space into active zones is very popular nowadays.

With the advent of studios, the principle of zoning began to be used interchangeably in the development of designs for various interiors. Specifically, when you decide to combine two spaces into one, dividing the resulting space into zones is very necessary, otherwise superficial chaos will arise, and you will not be able to achieve the expected effect.

Zoning involves artificially dividing space into several areas. In this case, furniture (large closets are placed throughout the room), texture and color can be used as partitions, allowing you to create two zones that are harmonious but isolated from each other.

This technique is interesting, allowing you to achieve original, elegant and functional interior creations with your own hands.

Depending on the room layout, zoning can be done as follows:

– Cramped room. Probably the easiest option to combine spaces. At the same time, up front, the work area must be placed, followed by the food intake area in a linear setting.

– At the same time, internal items must not interfere with free movement around the room and limit the space. The narrow kitchen dining room should have enough free space for the walkway.

– Instructions for setting up a dining room in a square space allow you to specify an island-style dining area that will be surrounded by kitchen items.

– The zone in the multi-exit room must be set so that one exit is in the dining room and the other in the living room. In the absence of walls and partitions, this technique will look very interesting.

– In the cross space, zoning must be perpendicular to the location of the exit. The ideal choice is if the exit is located opposite. In this case, the hallway can visually divide the room into two zones.

Hopefully the points above can be a useful guide for you in making the dining room of your dreams.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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