Learn To Store your Firewood in an Aesthetic Way

Come winters and you obviously need to stack lots of firewood. Get innovative and store it in a way that it adds to the beauty of your interiors. There are some creative and innovative ways of storing firewood. Some of them are listed below.

  1. Living room units


Your living room unit can have space for storing firewood. You can have a separate open shelf at the bottom where you can arrange and keep the pieces of wood. You can also have a circular unit and stack the wood in one portion of the circular unit.  You can also have an exclusive shelf covering half the wall where you can store the logs of wood.

  1. Underneath the fireplace

Close to the fireplace you can create space for storing the firewood. This is a handy way of keeping the wood as you can procure it as and when you need. At the same time, it also makes the fireplace look good. You can make space for keeping the wood on either side of the fireplace.

  1. Smart storage places in the walls


In the dining room or in the living room you can actually create space in the walls. These can be used to store the wood. It also gives a different texture and looks to the wall and at the same time saves space. The stacking of the wood also adds balanceand serenity to the room.

  1. Amalgamation with furniture

Design a hollow seat like structure. You can stack the wood underneath this seat and you can also rest on the chair and read a novel. Or you can have a coffee table and put some firewood underneath.

  1. Storing it outside

You can also stock the firewood in the porch. You can also keep it on the wall close to the entrance. It will make the entrance look unique and cool. One can also stock the wood in the patio or you can keep it beneath the table that you have placed in the garden

  1. Use sheds


If you have enough space then you can have a separate shed for the wood. You can have an open shed but in order to make sure that your wood remains safeto make use of closed sheds. These can be closed on three sides or you can use one with a door which will protect the wood from damp weather. You can build these sheds in different shapes and you can also select the size depending on the amount of wood that you intend to store.

  1. Make use of underutilized area in your house


Identify those areas in your house which have space but are not utilised much. For example, there is space beneath the staircase. Then make use of this area to keep the wood. Corners of rooms which are not being used can also be selected for the purpose of stocking wood. You can keep the wood in crates and place these crates in the corners.

  1. Use it like a sculptor or stack it in your bags

If you have artistic skills then arrange the firewood in such a way that it will help you create a lovely wooden sculptor. This piece of art will increase the beauty of your decor. You might also have several traveller bags which can be used to store these pieces of wood. You can place these bags in your storehouse.

No need of dumping the firewood here and there in the house. Store it in an innovative way which will make your home look beautiful.

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