Pure Melt snow-melting bag: Convert snow into pure, drinkable water

pure melt snow melting bag

If you live in the colder regions which are enveloped with snow most of the time, then you will relate to this product instantly. William Van Zee has designed the Pure Melt snow-melting bag which will provide you with filtered water apt for drinking anytime, anywhere. Snow is just another form of water and to bring it to liquid state, which will further be fit for consumption, one has to boil it to kill harmful bacteria.

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Pure Melt snow-melting bag will cut down all these wearisome steps and still make sure that every drop you take in is nothing but pure. The product has been shaped like a bag, to be more precise a backpack, and can be strapped onto the body, trees or just anywhere. Fill the bag with snow and turn on the power which will be fetched from the sunrays. This will melt the snow inside the bag and filter it as well, making water fit for drinking. The bag has been fitted with a removable nozzle through which water comes out.

Whenever you feel thirsty simply fill the bag with snow and drink fresh water. With Pure Melt snow-melting bag around there is no need to carry water bottles or boil snow, as every drop out of it will be nothing but pure.

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Via: vanzeeartanddesign

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