With websites being a dime a dozen these days, having a standard, straightforward or utilitarian design won’t get you noticed in the marketplace. Companies from large corporations to one-person enterprises are all able to have a web presence, with the rise of user-friendly website building tools. Having such an enormous number of pages to contend with, your design needs to be special indeed to stand out.
In addition, consumers are more discerning than ever before, with the web now being integrated into their daily lives in a massive way. They can immediately judge whether a site has an extra level of technical expertise and design skill on display – or if it’s stale and static.
Finally, you may want to create a beautiful showpiece for your own satisfaction. If you aren’t content with a typical design, you’ll want your pages to be functional works of art. Here are three tactics you can use to seamlessly blend your high-end design sensibilities together with function and ease-of-use, for a website that’s set to impress.
Tactic #1: Use the Background As Your Canvas
One of the best opportunities to truly stretch your creative wings on your pages, is in the background design. This is a blank canvas for you to take advantage of, so don’t let this real estate go to waste. Rather than using a plain, staid or cookie-cutter background, you can custom-make a piece of art that will capture visitor’s interest. Be careful not to go overboard, as a background that’s too busy can distract from your page layout and make it difficult to navigate. The best approach is to focus bold colors and bright elements more toward the center of your pages or away from the menu – so users can see the available options clearly.
Tactic #2: Use Dynamic Elements
Static websites tend to be unimpressive today, and users are accustomed to dynamic designs that move, shift and change. Whether it’s a background that uses moving images to turn this space into a video display, or icons which shift when you scroll over them – making these elements dynamic will give them much greater visual appeal.
Tactic #3: Use a Cohesive Flow
Just like in a painting, photograph, movie or other visual medium – it’s essential that your design have a cohesive feel and flow. You can achieve this by selecting a color palette that works well together, creating highlights and shadows – for a rich experience for the eye. Don’t be afraid to select a bold high note when it comes to color, just don’t overuse this hue, as this will mute its impact.
Approach your website design as an art project, and this will give you a fresh perspective and angle – which will allow you to create a finished product that’s an individual expression of your artistic spirit. This type of website will have a different flavor that’s undeniable – instantly differentiating your pages from the standard fare that users are so familiar with.
These three tactics will help you in your quest to make a stunning piece of art, which also functions as a website. Marrying flawless user experience with world-class artistic design, creates pages which are magnetic and a joy to use. You don’t have to have in-depth programming experience to achieve this type of outcome either, as the best free website builders allow you to have a high degree of creative control. Their drag-and-drop interface opens up the realm of design to the non-technical user – so you can focus on the artistic finish instead. In the end, giving attention to the elements covered above, will allow you to give life to your vision and deliver a spectacular experience that your visitors won’t soon forget.
Article Submitted By Community Writer