Even the term modern art is old now. With each passing day, art is taking so many different forms that it is only the stupendously crazy which often catches our eye. Keeping this human tendency in mind, modern artists are no longer focusing on beauty. Rather than that, they are creating such bizarre works of art that one has to really see them to believe them. Here is a list of 5 such extremely bizarre sculptures.
5 – Most bizarre sculptures you might ever see
1. Cerkahegyzo’s pencils sculptures
Most of us have imagined ourselves to be artistic geniuses based on the pencil doodles that we came up with during boring lectures in school or college or during long meetings at work. Some of us have even used pencil shavings to create artwork while others have used the humble wooden writing instrument to create models of building and vehicles. However, what most of us have never imagined doing with a pencil is creating sculptures that look nothing like a pencil at all.
And that is exactly what Hungarian artist who goes by the name of Cerkahegyzo has done. Using nothing but a regular wooden pencil as his canvas and a bunch of handy tools, the artist has created sculptures that push the boundaries of micro art as well as the bounds of what a lowly pencil can be turned into. For such a small format, each pencil based sculpture is amazingly detailed. The artist has displayed a bunch of these on his personal page at the crowd artwork sharing site DeviantArt
The most astonishing part of the amazing sculptures is that the artist does not rely on the studier wooden part of the pencil to craft these delicate artworks. Instead, he fashions the sculptures by etching through the brittle pigment core in the middle of the pencils. Given how delicate this core is, each work of art created by the artist becomes even more amazing. The core has been sculptured to depict a small comb, a totem head and a tea light at the head of the pencil though the more amazing examples in the light see the very same core being fashioned into the body of a snake, a delicate interwoven chain and a ring of keys that show the kind of hard work and extreme detail that went into the making of this range.
2. Chewing Gum Sculptures by Maurizio Savini
You know I always knew chewing gum made a great sculpture material. But my mum always dissuaded me from getting the saliva-laden thing out of my mouth. But I guess Italian sculptor Maurizio Savini thought better of using pink “American Gum” for his new art collection. Watch on and control the urge to bite into the fragrant and chewy skunk!
3. Contemporary Garden Monolith & Kernel Sculptures
Created by David Harber, the Monolith Sculpture and The Kernel Sculpture are part of his designer contemporary garden sculpture. These unique designer series of sculptures by him makes use of stainless steel to create a mirage like quality with the precision of the mirror. Also, at the same time the metal creates spectacular optical illusion by reflecting the sculptures’ surroundings and offers a magnificent view.
Via: Contemporist
4. ‘Now Isn’t That Lovely’: A lovable series of art sculptures
What is the true measure of art? Is it the catchy compilation of materials? Or is it the whacky imagination of the artist’s mind that sets his design apart from the lot? It’s really difficult to find an answer for this superfluous question. Stephen Johnson’s ‘Now Isn’t That Lovely’ series of brass sculptures are designed to give sleepless nights to all those critics of art who like to go overboard in their attempt to classify the beauty of art into categories.
Johnson has used the tough metal to create a sequence of ornaments which cling together in a gravity-defying position. Each sculpture features a unique combination of unrelated objects ranging from a perched eagle to a hibernating cat. Each design is a ticket to the surreal world of art, where there is no place for logic or certainty.
Click here to explore the whacky world of Stephen Johnson.
5. Artist creates human-like sculpture from recycled typewriter bits
In the 2000 movie Cast Away, Tom Hanks plays a FedEx employee who is left stranded on an uninhabited island. There in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, he is is forced to use his primal instincts. He has to survive on the island all alone. During the course of the movie, Hank’s character draws a face on a soccer ball. He pretends that it is a friend and names it George. Hank’s character is devastated when the ball is swept away by the sea and feels that he has let his friend die. The story is a huge reflection of humankind’s need for companionship and it is this primal need for community that drives us to adopt pets, make imaginary friends and even think of stuffed toys as real people!
We really don’t know what prompted Californian artist Jeremy Mayer to fashion a human-like sculpture from typewriter scraps. We imagine that it has a lot to do with trying to fashion a friend out of the environment around you. Mayer is a professional sculptor who uses recycled typewriter scraps as his primary medium. For his latest project, Mayer used a lot of bits and pieces from, as many as 40 old and discarded typewriters. He utilized them to create the human-like sculpture. Interestingly enough, the artist created the whole thing through cold assembly. This meant that he could use any kind of glue, soldering or welding to keep pieces together. To avoid putting joinery into the sculpture, the artist simply used other pieces of typewriters to create joints.
The sculpture is undoubtedly Mayer’s finest and stands tall among the 120-plus sculptures that the artist has created till now. The artist is open to selling his ware. Till now, he has only sold just one. He is hoping that exhibiting the human sculpture will get him the exposure.