Product Designers have to make sure that they stay in touch with the industry to shape their career as well as gain the knowledge that they need to move forward. Every book written on this front not only shares a variety of opinions and ideas but it also helps to understand different theories and thoughts.
Let us check out the list of these books, which can help you in taking your life into a different mode.
Herb Lubalin: Art Director, Graphic Designer and Typographer
A pioneer in typography and design, the American graphic designer Herb Lubalin is a name that is known for his various contributions in the industry of Designing. This book not only shows you what all contributions he made over the years, but it is also a combination of type design, annual reports, letterheads, book design, packaging, media promotions, logos, posters and lots more.
Well-Designed: How to Use Empathy to Create Products People Love
Developing products, which fit the needs of the customers is essential, but it is also important to ensure that all love your products. Through this product, designers will also get to know how to use technology effectively for product designing and creating products by empathizing with their customers.
The Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman
Designers must read this book if they want to get some good information on various insights and theories that can help them out. This user centric book teaches designers the true value and meaning of design thinking. To understand the difference between bad and good designs, it is essential to have insights and case studies that can provide a base for designing a product. This book is also ideal to help designers to know what they want to do in the future and how they should go about doing it. If you want to set goals, references like and even this book can help you with it.
This Brutal World
If you are looking for a book that acts as a way to preserve older buildings and understand the concrete style of architecture, then this book is ideal for you. Product designers can carry this book wherever they want and spend quality time getting to know some good highlights that can help a product designer in many ways.
Designed by Apple in California
Apple fans and lovers will surely love this book. This 450-paged book tells you all you need to know about the signature style that Apple uses to design its products. It also provides a good insight on how the company uses technology in an effective way. Product designers can truly learn how to shape their career as well as get inspired from a company that is known for its designs and products.
Eating With the Eyes
If you want to challenge yourself to look more closely to the world around you both artistically and visually, then this is a must read. It shows you how to find beauty even in crumpled textiles, dirty walls, sidewalks and practically everything around you. This book will transform the way you think and change your perceptions about things.
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