You might think that the only requirement for office lighting is that it enables you to see, and that as long as you can see properly, you can work. It might shock you then that there is a lot more to lighting than just replacing a bulb, and how getting it right can improve efficiency, environment, productivity, and most importantly of all, employee morale. Understand lighting, implement it well, and you will have a happy and efficient team, keen to work hard, and engaged whilst at the office. Get it wrong, however, and you risk upsetting your most important asset: your staff.
Here we look basic tips for getting the most out of office lighting and hence getting the most from the people in your office. It goes beyond simple lighting to include elements of UK office furniture, and UK office design. But by learning the basics and by implementing these great tips, you’ll be well on the way to improving a great deal.
Colour Temperature
Think about each space that needs lighting, the colour scheme and which colour temperature of lamp can complement and improve that area. 3000k is a warmish colour lamp and 4000k, a neutral white. Both are well tolerated within an office environment. In hotter environments, a cooler colour temperature can help the office feel cooler – it works, so think about the environment outside the space as well as within. Cooler countries may prefer therefore the 3000k lamps to get added “warmth”.
Task Specific
Think what the space will be used for – lighting is scaled 1-100, with 100 being the closest possible to natural light. So if colour is important in the duties of the employees, the higher the colour rendering level the better. Quality lighting may seem expensive, but think of the value it adds rather than the cost.
Modern LED lighting can alter as the daylight levels change to give a consistency of lighting over a working day. Anything that can mimic and maintain daylight type lighting will feel much more natural and “normal” for your employees.
Cave Like
If your office lighting creates a cave like environment, you will stifle the creativity and productivity of your team. Who after all doesn’t feel enclosed and almost trapped in a cave? Make your office like this and you will only create an environment that your team want to leave as quickly as possible. Lighting is rated, with basic office lighting being LG3, and more advanced up to LG7. Think therefore of aiming for the best possible, not settling for the basic entry level standards. Proper lighting will enthuse your team and raise their morale to new heights.
Once the background lighting is sorted, look to make individual spaces more engaging and personal. The more welcoming and personal a space is, the less likely that individual will want to leave it. If it is task specific too, then you are aiding productivity, and encouraging it, rather than stifling it.
Like any UK office furniture, lighting needs maintenance, review and replacement. Do not let it become redundant, or tired; instead, keep areas fresh, well-lit and engaging.
Think about controls to change the intensity of lighting dim it, alter it, and where needed to intensify it. Remember that constant lighting suggests monotony, repetition, whereas allowing it to be altered can allow for tasks to be lit, according to need rather than simply being standard.
Consider your team and ways to ensure that their health and wellbeing is maximised. By doing so, you will make them feel appreciated and help them increase their productivity, aside from their levels of engagement and creativity.
Do not think of the office as a space that simply needs lighting, think of it as a team that you are illuminating and aiding. Just as you would give them the very best equipment, now you will be in a better position to give them the very best environment. When you start seeing lighting as much more than a bulb, you yourself will start to have those special lightbulb moments.
Article Submitted By Community Writer