July 2011

Re-define story telling with Dimi Storybook

Gone are the days when we used to hear bed time stories from our grandmother or read a story book, as we grew older. Now is the time for gadgets and digital storybook; landmarks in today’s technology.The latest in this segment is Dimi storybook by Siri Jo

HummerHaus: An eco-friendly home for monster SUV fans

We knew the end for the Hummer was close the moment we laid eyes on this frilly wedding Hummer H2 limo. But for the sake of all things that made the boys of previous generations feel like men, let’s hope that not all big boys end up being dolled up befo

Studio Desk caters spacious, flexible unit for students

With shrinking living areas, multifunctional furniture is the need of the hour. A designer named Patricia Tait paid heed to this and came up with a unique piece of furniture. Christened the Studio Desk, it will prove to be an apt study as well as storag

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