The world is changing, at least for the disabled. In fact, the so-called disabled are more than ever. In fact, with 3-D printed prosthetic limbs that take information from stem cells, their position is going to change forever. Even when it comes to the visually impaired and blind, there is no dearth of innovations out there. These, for the mast part, consist of navigational aids, however, there are other innovative gadgets and apps too, which help them in other aspects of their lives. Munivo handheld navigation device and G- Navi are amongst the popular navigational aids for the blinds. Let us see how they function.
Munivo handheld navigation device
The Concept:
How many times have we seen a blind person crossing the street with nothing more than a white stick in their hand? Even with a stick giving them company, the visually impaired has to calculate his own steps giving directions to the stick and not the other way, which may lead to some kind of a mishap. To end all such qualms, a small yet effective device named Munivo has been specially made for the needs of the blind which. This, in true words, will prove to be handy. Minimalism in utility and design will help perk up the day-to-day life of such individuals when it comes to movement.
With a thought to make use of sensitive capacities (like temperature, vibration, electro cutaneous stimulation) of the hand, which in turn will create a map in the palm of the hand of blind people, by recognizing the pressure factors, it sure is handy. Keeping factors like aesthetics, comfort, ergonomics, utility and built-up rate in mind resulted in a tool which has simple looks and proves very supportive.
The Target:
With an objective to enlighten the lives of blind that feel lost about their surroundings, this device has been directly targeted towards them.
The Need:
A blind person faces unending obstacles in his everyday life. Right from commuting to communicating, he has to struggle more than anyone to normalize his life. While walking on the road they are unable to access the dangers a fast moving vehicle brings along which may lead to accidents. Their incapability to use technology like the computer, watch TV or movies for that matter of fact even read a good book keeps them away from all the entertainment. For them, everything has a limit, be it fetching a good job or attending social gatherings.
The Solution:
An answer to all the above problems is a device that will act as a third functioning eye for the blind. Equipment that will make them experience all that life has to offer.
How it works:
Ultrasound technology (remote sensing) forms the base of this trouble-free and handy device. Munivo sends information to the electronic control unit after measuring the distance between the subject and the potential obstacles. This information is carried on two axes, X and Y. Moving on two axes; signals are transmitted to the subject, in the form of spheres through roller-type electromagnetic actuators. Therefore, giving instructions to the topic to steer clear of any hindrance. Actuators placed in the silicon films which are directly in contact with the palm gets control signals, after the device processes signals from sensors.
Sensitive Factors:
Temperature (calculated in intensity and time) and pressure being the chief sensory is put to good use. Furthermore, it exploits electro-cutaneous stimulation along with spatial acuity and vibration.
Basic Element:
Three basic elements have been used. To determine the distance to probable obstruction a Distant Sensor has been used. Transmitting signals by physical subject are actuators and lastly an electronic control unit.
G – Navi: Concept similar to Munivo handheld navigation device
The concept
Pets in some or the other way have been useful for mankind. Taking this a step further is G-navi, designed by Industrial Designer Shawn Youndong Kim of Sydney, Australia. This navigation system that comes clubbed with a microphone will make the mobility of people with restricted eyesight easy and more efficient. One can easily train their pets with the help of this device and teach them in terms of directions.
It brings into play the GPS technologies. These are used during Horse riding. This device conveniently activates itself when the user and guide dog need to take a turn. The leather collar that comes with a controlling system after learning which direction the dog is to go. For eg. it will turn the dog’s head towards left after the G-navi device angles towards left, in case of a left turn.
Apart from this gadget will connect devices like laptops and cell phones via Bluetooth for easy exchange of information. A person can without any added effort register number of favorite locations and can alter all whenever required. In case any emergency pops up it will not leave you mid-way. G-navi’s emergency call function will easily link you with your family member, police station or hospital through its RFID and Wireless Technology.
The Target
The main objective of this piece of equipment is to help visually impaired people move around with extra advantages and enhanced systems. It will instantly click with people who love pets and those into dog and horse training. The police can take advantage of this navigation system as they will be able to guide sniffing dogs with utmost preciseness.
The need
Pets are innocent creatures. We need to train them well before one can actually depend on them in terms of directions. But mostly people who have visibility problem are either dependent on a white stick or a guide dog to show them way and avoid any mishaps. We need to train these pets rigorously before one can depend on them one hundred percent, as they tend to confuse themselves between commands or when not in a mood don’t take commands at all. So, G-navi makes sure such a situation does not crop up.
The solution
Specially designed for the visually impaired is G-Navi. It will ensure that such people don’t feel restricted when it comes to moving around with confidence. Not only will it improve mobility but is also an apt method to train and guide your pets. Apart from all this, the navigation system can be easily coupled with your laptop and cellular phone. In case of an emergency, one can make calls for help or even otherwise talk to family and friends.