July 2011

Hydration Pen will tell your teens if they are dehydrated

With all this brouhaha over healthy eating, the need to cut junk food out of school cafeterias and obsession with weight, you’d think parents and educators would have their kids laced with all kinds of nutrition monitors before sending them to school. S

AquaVita Contemplation Space is a metaphor for life itself

Artists have been drawing inspiration from mating rituals of creatures around the planet for ages, but no one has ever thought of using sex as the inspiration for a chair! Here, we present the stunning AquaVita Contemplation Space by Scottish designer Ali

COOIK Smart Cooker would be the Apple of our (hungry) eyes

A food-loving iPad freak friend recently told me that he wished they’d invent an app where you could just touch an icon and it would get an exotic dish to materialize in front of you. At the time I laughed and called him an adorable i-diot. But I guess

Bell & Ross to join the bandwagon of luxury cellphones

Steve Jobs got the ball rolling with the launch of the iPhone. The concept changed the mobile handset market. Users across the world fell in love with the iPhone’s features and sleek design. The phone’s interface, Android operating system and the on

SwissRoomBox modular living system is a home on board

SwissRoomBox has recently designed a portable modular living system making it possible for many to live their dream of a mobile home. The system has everything you need to cook, live, wash and sleep, just out of the boot of your car. The design which come

Smart Table: A broadband communication system for the elderly

With day to day development in the field of IT, there is nothing which is impossible to even think of. And the same proved by the group of designers named Vincent Steurs and Juin-Yi Huang with a wonderful creation for the Interactive Technology Design at

Room-sized device to lend acoustical clarity to electronic music

The empathy of silence. Mute room at Faulder’s studio is exactly that, the empathy of silence…and memories. This wonderful architectural installation has been created with pink memory foam to retain the memories of fleeting moments; a pleasant quiet bre

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